Ivan Novosel
HR/CRO Ivan Novosel jednostavnog imena Nox, rođen u Zagrebu. Od malih nogu amaterski se počinje baviti dj-ingom i produkcijom elektronske glazbe uz prednost i poticaj starije braće. Od početka pokazuje daj je korak ispred svoje generacije što se tiće ukusa poznate svijetske glazbe isto kao i računala i prve mixete i razglasi. Oduvijek postoji interes, želja i volja za pozornicom, a veliku ulogu ima računalna tehnologija kao primarno zanimanje i crtanje. Dance floor postao je dio života prateći i učeći kroz njihove show performanse, naučio je puno o samoj glazbi ali i klubskoj sceni. U to vrijeme u centru Zagreba bilo je partija i aftera u na svakom koraku, gdje bi četvrtkom bio odaziv mlade populacije i trajalo bi do ponedjeljka, tako bi uži krug ekipe volio često spomenuti kako su to bila zlatna vremena elektro, rave ili techno modernog zvuka. Eventi poput "Kraljevstvo, Perfection, Astralis, Future Sound of Zagreb, Maximum, Future Shock ili Moondance fest koji su mu obilježili mladost. Nikada neće zaboraviti 2000. Plesajući u prvim redovima i ne skidajući pogled niti u jednom trenu. Mora spomenuti domaće i strane legende kao npr. all nighteri Mr. Dj Dario na main flooru u starom Bestu koji je uvijek pun. Rip Dino Dvornik na House flooru znao je odsvirat na svoj poseban način. Astralis scena bila je popularna zbog najveće legende Astral Projection ali i Go-Cut, Ludvig, i veliki uzor Stevo Kurlčubeski. Nabrojao bi još neke poznate face poput Petra Dundova, Mary, Kiki, Felver, Frajman a pogotovo brutalno potkovane tehničke dj-e iz zlatnih doba, Dj Dave Clarke, Major Rush, Umek, koji su imali poseban zapaljivi stil progressive zvuka, zatim Chris Liebing, Jeff Mills, Marco Bailey, Kraljica Marusha, Octave One ili Laurent Garnier i ostala ekipa stare škole u klubovima toga doba, Kulušić, Amazona, the Best discoteka, Tvornica Kulture, Otv dom kasnije Bogaloo, Sokol, Saloon ili Funk Club, Aquarius, Velesajam do Zrća ili Aurore i ostalih velikih i poznatih klubova uzduž obale... da ne nabraja, u tim vremenima nastaju prve trake i live produkcije, do setova koji nastavlja uz aftere i live nastupe koje ponosno može reći do danas ih je nekoliko stotina. Ljubav prema glazbi, računalima, svim vrstama mašina, rasla je prva produkcija, ne baš potpuna il savršena ali počela davne 2003. Na programima "Propellerhead Reason i Traktor pro Dj Studio". Na svoju inicijativu uz mnoge pokušaje i padove postaje član ZAMP-a i Hrvatske Glazbene Unije i kroz taj put nastavlja iskazivati ljubav prema autorskoj glazbi i uz profesionalan posao audio, light ili video stručnjaka za najbolje Hrvatske tvrtke kao Eldra, Promologistika, Fakat, Perinić Sistemi, CobraTon uz koje je imao čast surađivati sa svima koji su tih godina imali koncerte po Zagrebu i okolici.. Tako je postao sakupljač i serviser vrijedne audio opreme koja se više ne proizvodi i uz dobru potkovanost, vješto znanje i vjeru u snagu jake struje, već je žmirečki obavljao rituale poput svirki po Zagorju il Jastrebarskom, za uže društvo neizbježna su slavlja rođendana, obljetnica, momačkih do starih i novih godina ili sličnih svečanosti. Uz sve faze i instrumente koje je prošao u životu voli koristiti izraz "ne postoji loša glazba, samo loši ukusi" al ne bi dalje komentirao.. Priprema nove dugotrajne setove na Mixcloud platformi te kroz natjecanje je upao u top 100 globalne utrke i već tada se osjećao kao pobjednik, tako je ostvario za novu 2021.g. mjesta: 1. Tech house, 2. Deep house, 2. Techno 4. Electronica i nakon male pauze opet u studenome dolazi do top 100 Mixcloud uz 2. Tech house, 2. Techno, 4. House, 4 Deep house i 5 Electronica. Voli zavrtiti najbolje svijetske trake i novi neuobičajen stil koji gradi do danas. Zna da ljubav i strast prema glazbi općenito, nikada neće prestati, želi ostvariti san iz mladosti izgraditi studio a samo nebo je granica. Ivan Novosel aka Nox ENG: Ivan Novosel of simple name Nox, born in Zagreb. From an early age, he became an amateur DJing and producing electronic music with the advantage and encouragement of his older brothers. From the beginning, he shows that he is one step ahead of his generation in terms of the taste of world-famous music, just like computers and the first mixes and loudspeakers. There has always been an interest, desire and will for the stage, and computer technology plays a major role as a primary occupation and drawing. Dance floor became a part of life by following and learning through their show performances, he learned a lot about the music itself but also the club scene. At that time in the center of Zagreb there were parties and after parties at every turn, where Thursday would be the response of the young population and would last until Monday, so the narrow circle of the team would like to mention that these were the golden times of electro, rave or techno modern sound. . Events such as "Kingdom, Perfection, Astralis, Future Sound of Zagreb, Maximum, Future Shock or Moondance fest that marked his youth. He will never forget 2000. Dancing in the front rows and not taking his eyes off at any moment. He must mention domestic and foreign legends such as all nights Mr. Dj Dario on the main floor in old Best which is always full Rip Dino Dvornik on House floor knew how to play in his own special way Astralis scene was popular because of the greatest legend Astral Projection but also Go-Cut , Ludwig, and the great role model Stevo Kurlčubeski, I would like to list some other famous faces such as Peter Dundov, Mary, Kiki, Felver, Freiman and especially the brutally skilled technical DJs from the golden age, DJ Dave Clarke, Major Rush, Umek, who had a special inflammatory style of progressive sound, then Chris Liebing, Jeff Mills, Marco Bailey, Queen Marusha, Octave One or Laurent Garnier and the rest of the old school team in the clubs of that time, Kulušić, Amazon, the Best discotheque, Tvornica Kultu re, Otv dom later Bogaloo, Sokol, Saloon or Funk Club, Aquarius, Fair to Zrće or Aurora and other big and famous clubs along the coast ... not to mention, in those times the first tapes and live productions were made, to sets that continue with afters and live performances that he can proudly say to date there are several hundred of them. The love for music, computers, all kinds of machines, grew the first production, not very complete or perfect, but started back in 2003. On the programs "Propellerhead Reason and Traktor pro Dj Studio". On his own initiative, with many attempts and failures, he became a member of ZAMP and the Croatian Music Union and through that continues to show love for original music and with the professional work of audio, light or video experts for the best Croatian companies such as Eldra, Promologistika, Fakat, Perinić Sistemi , CobraTon, with which he had the honor of collaborating with all those who had concerts in Zagreb and the surrounding area in those years. he already performed rituals such as concerts in Zagorje or Jastrebarsko, celebrations of birthdays, anniversaries, bachelor parties to the old and new years or similar festivities are inevitable for the society as a whole. With all the stages and instruments he went through in life, he likes to use the phrase "there is no bad music, only bad tastes" but I would not comment further. He is preparing new long-term sets on the Mixcloud platform and through the competition he entered the top 100 global races and already then he felt like a winner, so he achieved for the new 2021.g. places: 1. Tech house, 2. Deep house, 2. Techno 4. Electronica and after a short break again in November comes the top 100 Mixcloud with 2. Tech house, 2. Techno, 4. House, 4 Deep house and 5 Electronica . He loves to spin the world’s best tapes and the new unusual style he builds to this day. He knows that his love and passion for music in general will never stop, he wants to realize his dream from his youth to build a studio and only the sky is the limit. Ivan Novosel aka Nox