

Dino KT je tridesetogodišnji samouki umjetnik iz Kutine koji je posjećivao bezbroj događanja na kojima se zaljubio u mračni hard techno zvuk te je odlučio stvarati vlastitu glazbu u istom tonu i svojim mračnim groovy setovima širiti pozitivnu energiju plesnim podijem. DKTech je nastao 2024. gdje je u starom podzemnom atomskom skloništu u Velikoj Gorici \"Bunker VG\". organizirao underground raves. Nakon \"Bunker VG\", \"ChaosFest pH2\" i još nekih underground događanja kojima je svirao omiljene dark acid setove sa začinom industrial zvuka, sudjelovao je i na \"Jelengrad:Reformation OA\" gdje je svirao s imenima kao što su Fixsell, Tom Cue, Mery, Dalton trance TP, klaada, Lunar Dawn. DKTech , Hrvatska Dino KT is a thirty-year-old self-taught artist from Kutina who visited countless events where he fell in love with the dark hard techno sound and decided to create his own music in the same tone and spread positive energy on the dance floor with his dark groovy sets. DKTech was created in 2024, where \"Bunker VG\" is in the old underground atomic shelter in Velika Gorica. organized underground raves. After \"Bunker VG\", \"ChaosFest pH2\" and some other underground events where he played his favorite dark acid sets with the spice of industrial sound, he also participated in \"Jelengrad:Reformation OA\" where he played with names such as Fixsell, Tom Cue, Mery, Dalton trance TP, klaada, Lunar Dawn. DKTech, Croatia

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