



“Dino Egredžija, DKTech is a 31-year-old DJ/producer from Kutina, now based in Velika Gorica. Hardgroove/Hard Techno artist who is quickly taking a place on the Croatian techno scene. Leaving his mark with electrified beats, DKTech quickly gained recognition for his pulsating rhythms and dynamic sets. In an incredibly short period, he shared the stage with some of the most respected names including Dj Zoky, Fiksell, Yvonne, Dalton Trance TP, Ted Raslow, Keops, Katarina O’Halloran. His sets resonate with energy, winning audiences across Europe, as he has been featured on various radio shows and podcasts, spreading his sound far and wide. Some of the radio shows are “HRT Jezgra”, “Radio Techno Zagreb”, the German “Sound Kleckse Radio show by Jens Mueller” and podcasts such as “OCR Budapest”, “Technoland”, etc. He collaborated with collectives such as: “Ground Zero(OS)”, Elektron(ZG), “United by Hardness(ZG)”, “Underground d.o.o.”, “Kisses of Techno” where he was a guest in clubs such as “Depo club”, “Exit club”, etc. He also performed at the open air festivals “Jelengrad”, “KOA – warm up” In addition to performances and mixing, he also found himself in the production of “Hardgroove” style where he also collaborated with German and Portuguese production houses. He is the founder of the event “Rhythmic Beatz” and the production house of the same name. Join DKTech on this exciting journey through sound as he pushes the boundaries and elevates the hard techno experience to new heights. The future is bright, and the dance floor is calling – are you ready to join it? PLUR


“Dino Egredžija, DKTech je 31 godisnji Dj/producent koji dolazi iz Kutine, sada sa sjedištem u Velikoj Gorici. Hardgroove/Hard Techno umjetnik koji brzo zauzima mjesto na Hrvatskoj techno sceni. Ostavljajući svoj pečat naelektriziranim natupima,  DKTech brzo je stekao priznanje po svojim pulsirajućim ritmovima i dinamičnim setovima. U nevjerojatno kratkom razdoblju, dijelio je pozornicu s nekim od najcjenjenijih imena uključujući Dj Zoky, Fiksell, Yvonne,  Dalton Trance TP, Ted Raslow, Keops, Katarina O’Halloran. Njegovi setovi odjekuju energijom, osvajajući publiku diljem Europe, jer je bio predstavljen u raznim radijskim emisijama i podcastima, šireći svoj zvuk daleko i naširoko. Neki od radijskih emisija su “HRT Jezgra” , “Radio Techno Zagreb” , Njemacki “Sound Kleckse Radio show by Jens Mueller” te podcastima kao “OCR Budapest” , “Technoland” itd. Surađivao je sa kolektivima kao sto su : “Ground Zero(OS)”, Elektron(ZG), “United by Hardness(ZG)”, “Underground d.o.o.”, “Kisses of Techno” gdje je gostovao u klubovima kao sto su “Depo klub” , “Exit club” itd. Nastupao je i na Open air festivalima “Jelengrad” , “KOA – warm up” Uz nastupe i mixanje, također se pronašao u produkciji “Hardgroove” stila gdje je isto tako surađivao sa Njemackim, Portugalskim produkcijskim kucama. Osnivac je eventa “Rhythmic Beatz” te isto imene produkcijske kuce.


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